Arachne (from the Greek ἀράχνη, 'spider') was a great weaver who boasted of being more skilled than the goddess Athena, who has her equivalent in the Roman Minerva, goddess of craftsmanship and wisdom. Minerva, offended, entered into competition with Arachne, but, according to Ovidio, could not overcome it. In addition, the subject chosen by Arachne, the loves of the gods, was offensive, and Minerva condemned her to weave eternally in the form of a spider. This installation is an allegory to Arachne herself and for this only Galician bobbins were used, since it is the tool with which one works in bobbin lace as a spider's feet and thread that surrounds the space, in turn bobbins create a body shape and it is the yarns themselves that surround the space.